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The past two or three days have been busy in ways that have been more or less satisfying. More less than more. A good part of these days has been spent with people who Destiny has determined, for some indeterminate period of time, are suited for work as Customer Service Representatives. They have been uniformly nice and occasionally helpful. I wouldn't say that we have become Christmas-Card friends, but we were all reasonably cordial. I asked to speak with a supervisor once and was sorry I did. I've learned my lesson now and if the Customer Service Representative can't fix it, there's no use talking to someone with far less patience. The other lesson I've learned is that one should be very careful with SIM cards.

We are nearing readiness. Eurail pass. Deutchland Ticket. Lodging, mostly. Ski Workshop reservation. Phone plan, NO! Medical, yes. Various other adultings, yes. Packing, no. Laundry, partial. Collecting miscellaneous odds and ends required for long travel, somewhat. Passport renewed. Boarding pass, of course not. Friends and family contacts, yup. Itenararies sent, nope. On-line Web 1.0 journal set up, to the best of my current ability.

At this point, the main thing remaining to be done is sleep. We have been Pre-Lagging. I'm not sure this is really a thing, but we are self-experimenting with a way to keep jetlag at bay, or at least minimized. This involves our going to bed earlier each night until we leave, ideally with corresponding earlier rising times. So far, for me, this has meant sleep deprivation of a somewhat significant nature. We go to bed early, and I wake up twice as early as I would have. So each night I am getting less and less sleep. So I think our experiment is working. I am becoming used to feeling jetlagged. Let's see how the rest of this goes. Four more days until departure.

On to LAX!

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