Trip to the Pine Creek tungsten mine with the Eastern Sierra History Conference on October 27, 2024. Joe Kurtak led us on a 3+ hour tour of the mine that provided his college "scholarship" -- summers at the mine provided enough income to pay for school. He grew up in and around the mine; his dad was the mill superintendent. He's written a book about the history of the mine called "Mine in the Sky" which will be reprinted and in stores "hopefully before Thanksgiving." Great tour, great conference and thanks to the Sierra Forever organization. Pictures here.

You can link to my Europe Trip Journal here. Most recently updated on October 2, 2023, but it's only a few entries. I ran out of steam. I hope to get back to it at some point.

Check out my Germany Photo Gallery. It contains a humane selection of photos from our six-week trip in 2023.

We traveled to Iceland in April 2024 to see the erupting volcano. We did not get a good look. However, here are a few things we did see: Iceland Photo Gallery.