Menu Display

6/12/2024 - This is a BIG topic for me. I've started to inspect page source and see how people do their menus. It's not that clear. I think javascript may be involved. I will find out.

Optimize Images for the Web

6/12/2024 - The upshot of my research on image optimization is that you: 1) edit your picture, 2) choose jpeg at a moderate to high-ish resolution, 3) resize for appropriate display dimensions, and 4) maybe compress (lossy or unlossy. Try to get file sizes under 1 MB.

6/11/2024 - Additional research from today: use of 'id' in header, use of 'div', image compression vs image size. Adobe uses the 'picture' tag instead of 'img'; should I?

Use 'srcset' to group different versions of the same image and allow browser to select best version for user device: Adobe.

For photo editing, Adobe suggests: 1) brightness and exposure, 2) white balance, 3)contrast, highlights, shadows. Product Photo Tips.

Focus stacking is a technique that takes multiple photos with different distances of focus and combines them into a composite image that "looks more polished, more real. So real, it almost looks fake.” Also from Adobe, "Focus stacking will give your images an extra level of polish and surreal beauty that takes them from ordinary to extraordinary." Is this something I want? Anyway, Lightroom apparently does this.

6/10/2024 - How to create a CSS Class and use that to center images on my web pages. I've been frustrated by this for a LONG time. Key resources: Mozilla CSS tutorial and W3 School Tutorial.