I'm devoting this page to capturing ideas (primarily mine) that border on genius. With some ideas the border is wider than with others. If the idea belongs to someone else I'll be sure to give credit.
- Make a web list of all the things I think I want, with prices. [6/12/2024]
- After reading Erasure a book club meets to discuss. Issues of race, class, academia, talk shows, the publishing industry, poverty-as-a-construct, literary awards, people who think too much, and people who think too little. It's the subject of a Tony Award-winning play. [6/5/2024]
- Alternate do in one sentence with don't in the next for the length of an entire novel. See who reads it.
- Make up my own time zones.
- Make doughnuts and then eat at least one.
- Make a 'THEN' page for things no longer on my 'NOW' page.
- Make an 'AGAIN' page for things that come and go a lot.
- Write an essay called 'Focusing on Distraction.'
- Interest Highlands people in a Pecha Kucha night?
- Write an independent learning syllabus for X
- Solve for X